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Staff Writer

Washington Post Employees Demand to Hire Their Own Boss

Washington Post staffers display sense of entitlement that is shocking to most Americans.  But that plus a lack of self-awareness has climbed to new heights as the staff at the Washington Post demand that they must approve the hiring of their own bosses.

Fresh off a fiscal year where the paper saw losses of $77 million, nearly one third of entire purchase price paid by Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, the entitled staff of the Washington Post is now revolting against changes by the management team.


With its readership reported down by 50 percent and a daily circulation of only 140,000 in a market of some 6 million people, the staff is strongly resistant to change in business practices.


“Any other business would fire it’s employees for this kind of behavior,” a close observer said.


Journalists celebrate their own importance by continually heaping praise on one another at posh gatherings and award ceremonies.  All the while refusing to change their business models as their industry is burning all around them.


“They should all be in self-awareness counseling,” the observer continued.

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