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Trump Goes Up Big in Arizona

In a political showdown reshaping Arizona's landscape, former President Donald Trump surges ahead, flipping the script from four years prior, as the state becomes a battleground of shifting allegiances and closely fought races.

In a pivotal swing state that swung in favor of Joe Biden four years ago, the tables have turned. Recent polling by Rasmussen Reports reveals a significant shift in Arizona's political landscape. Former President Donald Trump now leads by a commanding seven-point margin over Biden, while the race for the Senate seat is razor-close.

According to the survey, if the election were held today, 47% of Likely Arizona voters would cast their ballot for Trump, with Biden trailing at 40%. Nine percent remain undecided, while three percent would opt for another candidate. In a broader scenario involving independent contenders Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornell West, alongside Green Party's Jill Stein, Trump holds a narrower lead with 41%, followed closely by Biden at 37%, and the independents trailing behind.

Turning to the battle for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by retiring Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, likely GOP nominee Kari Lake is in a tight race against Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego. In a head-to-head matchup, Gallego leads with 44% to Lake's 41%, with a notable portion undecided or opting for other candidates. Adding Green Party candidate Arturo Hernandez to the mix further intensifies the competition, bringing the race to a virtual tie.

In the run-up to the Arizona primaries, scheduled for July 30, Gallego stands uncontested in the Democratic arena, poised to be his party's candidate for the Senate. On the Republican front, Lake faces her main primary challenger, Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb. Among likely GOP primary voters, Lake holds a substantial lead with 53%, while Lamb trails at 28%. Trump's endorsement of Lake has swayed opinions, with 44% of likely Republican primary voters expressing increased likelihood to support her, despite some dissent.

Economic concerns and border security dominate as the most pressing issues for Arizona voters, with 28% prioritizing the economy and 23% emphasizing border security. Other issues such as abortion, climate change, and violent crime also factor into voters' considerations but to a lesser extent. Notably, rising inflation has prompted significant changes in spending habits for 70% of respondents.

On the topic of border security, a majority of Arizona voters, including a significant portion of Democrats and unaffiliated voters, support deploying troops to the southern border to curb illegal immigration. Additionally, worries about election integrity persist, with 60% expressing concerns about potential cheating impacting the outcome of the 2024 election.

Looking ahead, the fate of President Trump's tax cuts looms large in the minds of voters, with 36% more inclined to support candidates advocating for their extension. However, opinions on this issue remain divided, with 22% less likely to support such candidates and a significant portion indicating indifference.


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