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Steve Bannon and Megyn Kelly Discuss Fighting the Radical Left and the Mainstream Media on the Megyn Kelly Show

Top Points:

  • The Radical Left as an Existential Threat: Steve Bannon and Megyn Kelly describe the radical left as a significant danger to American values and institutions. They believe that leftist policies, such as the promotion of critical race theory and the defund the police movement, are overreaching and aim to dismantle core societal structures.

  • Mainstream Media as a Propaganda Tool: Both Bannon and Kelly criticize the mainstream media for its biased and selective reporting. They argue that the media acts as a propaganda arm for the radical left, twisting narratives and silencing conservative voices, which undermines public trust and misinforms the populace.

  • Strategies for Conservative Counteraction: To combat the influence of the radical left and the mainstream media, Bannon and Kelly advocate for building alternative platforms and institutions, engaging in grassroots activism, and supporting local politics. They emphasize the importance of creating self-sustaining ecosystems that reflect conservative values and principles.

Full Report:

On the latest episode of the Megyn Kelly Show, former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon joined Megyn Kelly to discuss the ongoing battle against what they described as the radical left and the pervasive influence of the mainstream media. The conversation delved into their perspectives on the current political climate, the challenges conservatives face, and their strategies for countering these perceived threats.

The Threat of the Radical Left

Bannon and Kelly opened the discussion by addressing what they view as the growing influence of the radical left in American politics. Bannon emphasized the need for conservatives to remain vigilant and proactive in combating policies and ideologies he believes are detrimental to the nation's core values.

"The radical left is not just a political opposition; they are an existential threat to the American way of life," Bannon asserted. "Their agenda is clear: they want to dismantle our institutions, undermine our freedoms, and impose a socialist regime. We cannot stand idly by while this happens."

Kelly echoed Bannon's sentiments, highlighting recent instances where she believes leftist policies have overreached. She cited examples such as the push for critical race theory in schools and the defund the police movement as evidence of the radical left's agenda infiltrating various aspects of society.

Mainstream Media's Role

The conversation then shifted to the role of the mainstream media in shaping public perception and discourse. Both Bannon and Kelly were critical of what they described as the media's biased and often misleading coverage.

"The mainstream media is the propaganda arm of the radical left," Kelly stated. "They selectively report facts, twist narratives, and silence conservative voices. This is not journalism; it’s activism disguised as news."

Bannon agreed, pointing out specific instances where he believes the media has failed to provide balanced coverage. He referenced the Hunter Biden laptop story and the media's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic as key examples.

"The media's job should be to inform the public, not to push an agenda," Bannon said. "But what we've seen time and again is a concerted effort to protect certain interests and vilify others. It's a dangerous game they're playing, and it’s up to us to call them out and provide the American people with the truth."

Strategies for Counteraction

Kelly and Bannon also discussed strategies for conservatives to effectively counter the radical left and the mainstream media. Bannon stressed the importance of building alternative platforms and institutions that can rival the influence of established media and political entities.

"We need to create our own media ecosystems, our own educational institutions, and our own cultural hubs," Bannon explained. "It's not enough to complain about the problem; we need to be proactive in building solutions that reflect our values and principles."

Kelly emphasized the role of grassroots activism and community engagement. She encouraged conservatives to get involved in local politics, support like-minded candidates, and use social media to amplify their voices.

"Change starts at the local level," Kelly said. "We need to support each other, organize, and ensure that our voices are heard. The radical left and the mainstream media may be powerful, but they are not invincible. Together, we can make a difference."


The conversation between Steve Bannon and Megyn Kelly on the Megyn Kelly Show highlighted their shared concerns about the influence of the radical left and the mainstream media. Their discussion underscored the need for conservatives to remain vigilant, proactive, and united in their efforts to preserve the values and freedoms they hold dear.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, the perspectives and strategies outlined by Bannon and Kelly will likely resonate with many conservatives seeking to navigate these challenging times.


  1. "Steve Bannon on The Megyn Kelly Show." The Megyn Kelly Show, 2024.

  2. "Critical Race Theory in Schools: An Overview." Education Week, 2024.

  3. "The Defund the Police Movement: Origins and Impact." The New York Times, 2024.

  4. "Hunter Biden Laptop Controversy: Media Coverage and Public Perception." The Washington Post, 2024.

  5. "COVID-19 Media Coverage: Analyzing Bias and Information." Pew Research Center, 2024.


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