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Sen. Ted Cruz to Newsmax: Dems in 'State of Panic' Over Biden

Updated: Jul 13

Top Points:

  1. Democrats in Panic Over Biden: Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, told Newsmax that Democrats are in a "state of panic" because of President Joe Biden's decision to run for a second term, with speculation they might replace him with Michelle Obama or Kamala Harris.

  2. Biden's Mental Decline: Cruz emphasized that Democrats have been aware of Biden's diminished mental abilities for years but are only now concerned due to his poor debate performance against Trump, fearing a loss in November.

  3. Confidence in Republican Victory: Cruz remains confident that if Biden stays on the ticket, Republicans will win. He expressed strong support for Donald Trump and criticized Democrats for not addressing Biden's fitness for office.

Full Report:

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, told Newsmax on Thursday that Democrats are in a "state of panic" due to President Joe Biden's insistence on running for a second term.

Cruz shared his insights on "National Report," saying, "I think [Democrats] are freaking out" and might be considering former First Lady Michelle Obama as a replacement. "I put the odds at 80% that [Democrats] pull Joe Biden, that Joe Biden is not the candidate on the ballot in November," Cruz stated. This strategy was first predicted on his podcast, "Verdict With Ted Cruz."

Cruz continued, "I predicted the Democrats were going to pull Joe Biden and replace him with Michelle Obama. I think that's still a very real possibility. If they replace him, it will either be Michelle Obama or [Vice President] Kamala Harris. And I will say, particularly Michelle Obama would be very dangerous."

Despite this, Cruz remains confident in a Republican victory if Biden stays on the ticket. "If Biden remains at the top of the ticket, we're going to win," Cruz declared. "I want [Donald] Trump to win. I want to change the path this country is on. That's why the Democrats are flipping out."

Cruz emphasized that Democrats have been aware of Biden's mental decline for years but are only now expressing concern due to his poor performance in the recent debate against Trump. "The American people saw it, and now they're scared that they're going to lose in November," Cruz said.

He criticized the Democrats' lack of action, stating, "You don't hear a single Democrat saying, 'Well, gosh, if he has so much dementia that he can't be the candidate, why is he commander in chief today?' If they were actually responsible, they should be saying he should resign today or we should exercise the 25th Amendment and remove him. Not a single Democrat is saying that."

Original Story by Fran Beyer, Newsmax.


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