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On Tape Pelosi Admits Lack of Security was Her Doing, Now Says Tape is Lying

Amidst the chaos of January 6, 2021, newly unearthed footage unveils a moment of raw candor from former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. As she navigates the evacuation of the Capitol, Pelosi grapples with the glaring absence of accountability and preparedness, shedding light on the tumultuous events of that historic day.

Newly surfaced footage provided by HBO to congressional investigators reveals a candid moment with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi addressing the lack of police readiness on January 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C., as she was evacuating the Capitol.

In the video captured by Pelosi's daughter Alexandra, Pelosi expresses frustration over the absence of accountability regarding the events of that day. "We have a responsibility, Terry! There was no accountability for what was happening there, and there should have been. This is unacceptable!" Pelosi exclaims.

She further criticizes what she perceives as a delayed response in requesting National Guard assistance to quell the chaos. "You're asking me in the midst of it all, after they've already breached the inaugural area, 'Should we call the National Guard?' I mean, where were they from the start?" Pelosi questions.

When her Chief of Staff Terri McCullough tries to explain that authorities believed they had adequate resources, Pelosi interrupts, emphasizing, "It's not about what they believed... they clearly didn't know, and I take responsibility for not ensuring better preparation."

HBO provided 45 minutes of footage to congressional investigators in response to a request from a House Administration subcommittee, as reported by Politico.


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