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Men Under 30 Quitting Democrats in Favor of Republicans, Trump

Top Points:

  1. Young Men Shifting Right: Male voters under 30 are increasingly supporting former President Donald Trump and the Republican Party, with a 14-point preference for Trump over President Biden in recent polls, marking a significant shift from their 15-point support for Biden in 2020.

  2. Contrast with Young Women: Women under 30 remain steadfast in their support for Democrats, with 40% identifying as liberal compared to 21% as conservative. This group overwhelmingly supports liberal stances on issues like abortion and student loan forgiveness, in contrast to their male counterparts.

  3. Policy Divides: Young men favor conservative positions on key issues such as repealing Obamacare, building a southern border wall, extending Trump tax cuts, and opposing the allowance of children to choose their gender identity without parental approval, highlighting a stark contrast with young women's liberal views.

Full Report:

The tide is turning among young male voters under 30, who are increasingly supporting former President Donald Trump and the Republican Party, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Historically, young voters have leaned Democratic since Ronald Reagan's presidency ended in 1989. However, there's a significant shift underway, with men under 30 now defecting to the GOP, as reported by The Journal.

Recent data reveals that young men favored Trump over President Joe Biden by 14 points in two combined polls this year. This is a stark contrast to 2020, when they supported Biden by 15 points, according to AP VoteCast.

Collin Mertz, a 23-year-old farmer from North Dakota, encapsulates this sentiment. "It would seem the white male is the enemy of the left," Mertz, who voted for Trump in 2020 and plans to do so again, told The Journal.

While young men are shifting right, women under 30 continue to back Democrats strongly for both the White House and Congress.

Gallup's data shows that 40% of women aged 18 to 29 identify as liberal, compared to 21% as conservative. Back in 1999, only about three in ten young women identified as liberal.

In contrast, among men under 30, 29% identify as conservative, 44% as moderate, and 25% as liberal, according to Gallup.

The gap between young men and women is particularly evident on issues like abortion. Women overwhelmingly believe abortion should be legal by a 53-point margin, while men agree by only a 16-point margin, The Journal reports.

Student loan forgiveness also highlights this divide. Men are nearly split on whether federally funded student loans should be forgiven, whereas women support it by a 45-point margin.

Other issues such as repealing Obamacare, building the southern border wall, extending Trump’s tax cuts, and allowing children to choose their gender identity without parental approval further illustrate the divide. Young men lean conservative on these topics, while young women align with liberal views.

"The question now is whether Kamala Harris, the expected Democratic nominee, can recapture the support of young men or if she will push more of them away," The Journal noted. "Harris' candidacy removes Biden's age, 81, as a voter concern and instead highlights the social, economic, and policy issues dividing young men and women."

Original Story by Charlie McCarthy, Newsmax


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