In a chilling saga spanning two decades and two continents, a 46-year-old illegal alien's journey from an El Salvador prison to the heart of a murder investigation in Berkeley County, West Virginia, unveils a tale of harrowing crimes and missed opportunities for justice.
A 46-year-old man, David Antonio Calderon, originally from El Salvador, was recently apprehended in Frederick County, Virginia, on charges of allegedly murdering a woman in Berkeley County, West Virginia. Shockingly, Calderon's journey to this point is marked by a troubling past.
Reports indicate that Calderon spent more than two decades in an El Salvador prison, from January 1999 to August 2021, for a slew of crimes including drunk driving, sexual assault, murder, aggravated robbery, and drug offenses.
Following his release from prison in El Salvador, Calderon attempted to seek asylum in Canada through the U.S. northern border in March 2023, but was denied entry. Instead, Canadian authorities handed him over to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), who subsequently released him with a Notice to Appear (NTA) before a federal immigration judge.
The grim saga continued when, on May 6, law enforcement discovered the body of a 33-year-old woman after extinguishing a fire on a couch in Berkeley County. She had been reported missing from Jefferson County’s home confinement program.
Prior to this incident, in April, Calderon allegedly assaulted two homeless individuals with baseball bats behind a Walmart store in Jefferson County, causing serious injuries. Consequently, a warrant was issued for his arrest on charges of malicious assault.
Shortly after the discovery of the woman's body, Calderon was arrested on warrants related to the assaults. Subsequently, he was charged with the woman's murder.