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Hollywood Hearts (and Wallets) Abandoning Joe Biden

Updated: Jul 13

Top Points:

  1. Hollywood Elite Withdraw Support: Prominent Hollywood figures like George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings, and Hollywood agent Ari Emanuel are urging President Joe Biden to step aside in the 2024 election, citing concerns over his cognitive decline and public performance.

  2. Significant Financial Impact: The withdrawal of support from major Hollywood donors could critically impact Biden’s campaign finances. Clooney’s move alone is likened to the Titanic hitting an iceberg due to his combined star and financial power.

  3. Potential Rebound: Democratic adviser Steven Maviglio believes the current panic among Hollywood donors might be temporary. If Biden secures the Democratic nomination, Maviglio expects Hollywood's support to return, emphasizing that current defections are not yet sufficient to end Biden’s campaign.

Full Report:

The engine driving any presidential campaign is money, and Hollywood has long been a key financial pillar for Democratic candidates. However, in 2024, more of its influential elites are turning away from Joe Biden. Actor George Clooney is among the prominent donors urging the president to step aside, as reported by Breitbart News.

“I love Joe Biden. But we need a new nominee,” Clooney stated in a New York Times column following Biden’s poor performance in a televised debate against Donald Trump. Clooney, who once helped raise record sums for Biden's campaign alongside Julia Roberts, has since withdrawn his support, citing Biden’s cognitive decline.

At a Hollywood gala, Biden raised over $30 million in a single night, highlighting the industry's significant influence on Democratic fundraising. But the withdrawal of big donors like Clooney could spell disaster for Biden’s campaign. “If all these big donors pull out, he’s sunk,” said Steve Ross, a history professor at the University of Southern California, to AFP.

Brad Bannon, a Democratic pollster, likened Clooney’s move to the Titanic hitting an iceberg. “Not only does Clooney have star power, he has financial power,” Bannon told The Hill, emphasizing the seismic impact of Clooney’s op-ed.

In recent days, notable figures like Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings, Walt Disney’s granddaughter Abigail, and Hollywood agent Ari Emanuel have called for Biden to step aside. They cite concerns over Biden’s age and his public performance. The AFP report noted that both Bill and Hillary Clinton relied heavily on Hollywood support in their presidential bids, and Barack Obama famously benefited from the “Oprah Winfrey effect” in 2007.

During the 2020 race, the entertainment industry contributed $104 million to Democrats compared to $13 million to Republicans, according to Open Secrets. This raises the question: Are Hollywood’s hearts and wallets abandoning Biden for good?

Steven Maviglio, a Democratic adviser, told AFP that Clooney’s op-ed is a significant pressure point, but he hopes the panic among donors will be temporary. “If it becomes clear that it’s going to be Biden and Trump, Hollywood will be right back supporting Joe Biden,” he said. He added that the defections are not yet numerous enough to end Biden’s campaign.

Billionaire Jeffrey Katzenberg, a former Disney executive and co-founder of DreamWorks, organized a major fundraiser for Biden in June. Despite heavy criticism following Biden’s debate performance, Katzenberg has remained silent, even as other Hollywood veterans publicly change their stance. “He’s the engine behind the machine. So if he stops, that’s significant,” Maviglio said.

Despite the mounting pressure from media, donors, and his own party, Biden shows no signs of stepping aside.

Original Story by Simon Kent, Breitbart


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