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Hispanic Voters Prefer Trump to Biden

A new poll reveals a surprising shift in voter sentiment: more Latino voters now trust Donald Trump over Joe Biden on immigration, a crucial issue in key swing states. This growing frustration among traditionally Democratic supporters could significantly impact the 2024 election.

 A new poll reveals that more Latino voters trust former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden on immigration issues in key swing states.

According to the recently released Equis poll, 41% of Hispanic voters trust Trump to handle immigration, while only 38% trust Biden. The survey, conducted among 1,592 registered Latino voters, covered the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

The gap is even wider among non-Hispanic voters, with 49% trusting Trump and the GOP on immigration compared to 34% for Biden and the Democrats.

The survey indicates significant frustration among Latino voters regarding Democratic achievements on immigration. Seventy-two percent of Latino respondents expressed concern over Democrats’ "broken promises" on the issue, and 65% were worried about the failure to provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

Conducted between April 20 and May 5 in both English and Spanish, the poll has a margin of error of 2.6 percentage points for those surveyed in battleground states.

This Equis poll is the latest to show declining voter approval for Biden on immigration, especially among Latinos. A CBS/YouGov poll earlier this month found that 53% of Hispanic adults support a new national program to deport all undocumented immigrants in the U.S., while 47% oppose it.

The CBS/YouGov survey also revealed that 62% of respondents overall support deporting all illegal immigrants, including majorities among men, women, independents, conservatives, moderates, Republicans, college graduates, non-college graduates, and people over 30 years old. Only Black Americans, Democrats, liberals, and adults under 30 were mostly opposed.

Additionally, an Economist/YouGov poll released earlier this month found that only 29% of Americans approve of Biden’s handling of immigration, with over 60% disapproving and 47% strongly disapproving.

These poor poll numbers for Biden come amid a significant illegal immigration crisis, with more than seven million migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border during Biden’s tenure, according to the latest data from Customs and Border Protection.


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