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Biden’s press conference will be a key test for him. But he’s no master of the big rhetorical moment

Updated: Jul 13

Top Points:

  1. Biden's Leadership Under Scrutiny: President Joe Biden's upcoming press conference is crucial as he tries to reassure Americans of his capability to lead for another term after a disastrous debate performance. His ability to effectively communicate and demonstrate his fitness for office is in doubt.

  2. Democratic Party's Growing Concerns: With increasing calls from within his own party for him to step aside, Biden faces significant pressure to prove his competence. His historically low approval ratings and the public's pessimism about the country's direction add to the urgency of the situation.

  3. Trump vs. Biden Contrast: As Biden campaigns, his team emphasizes his fight for the middle class, contrasting it with Donald Trump's image as an unhinged billionaire. However, Biden's recent public appearances have been inconsistent, further fueling concerns about his age and fitness for the presidency.

Full Report:

President Joe Biden faces a pivotal moment as he prepares for his upcoming press conference, an event that could make or break his bid for another term. After a dismal debate performance, Biden's ability to lead has been questioned more than ever. The upcoming press conference is a rare chance for him to convince the American public that he’s still up to the task.

Biden, 81, is set to close out the NATO summit in Washington with a solo press conference aimed at showcasing his leadership on the world stage. However, his stamina and effectiveness are under scrutiny, especially among Democrats who are increasingly worried about his chances in the upcoming election.

Despite some legislative successes and job growth during his tenure, Biden has often struggled with delivering inspiring speeches that capture the nation's attention. His recent attempts to bounce back from the debate disaster have fallen flat, with even his supporters questioning his ability to take on former President Donald Trump again.

Julian Zelizer, a Princeton presidential historian, pointed out that while policies are important, what the public perceives is often more impactful. Biden’s debate flop has intensified doubts within his party, with more lawmakers urging him to step aside.

Historically, presidents have been able to inspire the nation with powerful rhetoric, from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Ronald Reagan. Even Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” resonated deeply with many Americans. In contrast, Biden's recent public appearances have been less than impressive, further fueling concerns about his capabilities.

Biden's strength has traditionally been his ability to connect with voters on a personal level. However, these moments are unlikely to reach the same audience as the millions who watched his debate performance. Despite calls from within his party to step down, Biden remains adamant that he is the best candidate to defeat Trump, labeling Trump’s candidacy as an existential threat to democracy.

The press conference will be a critical test of Biden's ability to think on his feet and demonstrate that he still has the dynamism needed for the job. His approval ratings remain low, and he has yet to overcome voter pessimism about the country's direction. Concerns about his age and fitness for office persist, amplified by his debate performance.

Allison Prasch, a rhetoric professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, noted that the president often reflects the nation's hopes and fears. Biden's recent halting public comments starkly contrast with his confident campaign message from four years ago. The debate performance confirmed voters’ fears, shaking the Democratic Party to its core.

Despite efforts by Biden's team to defend his mental state and fitness for the job, public confidence remains shaky. John Kirby, White House National Security spokesman, and Brett McGurk, White House coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa, both vouched for Biden's decision-making abilities. However, Biden's public visibility has been limited by his penchant for gaffes, and his recent appearances have been uneven.

As Biden continues to campaign, the contrast between him and Trump becomes more apparent. Biden's team argues that his campaign highlights his fight for the middle class, while portraying Trump as an unhinged billionaire aiming to dismantle the ACA and establish a dictatorship.

Ultimately, Biden's ability to inspire confidence and articulate his vision will be closely watched. As he prepares for the press conference, the stakes have never been higher.

Original Story from AP and writer Colleen Long, Breitbart


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