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Biden’s Idea Of ‘Secure Elections’ Is Letting People Who Might Not Be Citizens Keep Voting

Top Points:

  1. Biden’s Opposition to Election Security Measure:

  • President Joe Biden has publicly denounced the bill requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote, despite its aim to enforce existing prohibitions on non-citizen voting. This opposition comes as Biden promises to “fight” for “secure elections,” raising questions about his commitment to election integrity.

  1. SAVE Act’s Role in Preventing Non-Citizen Voting:

  • The Safeguarding American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act seeks to amend the 1993 National Voter Registration Act by requiring documentary proof of citizenship for voter registration. This measure addresses significant vulnerabilities in current election laws, which rely on an honor system and allow non-citizens to register to vote using insecure documentation.

  1. Democrats’ Flawed Argument Against the Bill:

  • Democrats argue the legislation is unnecessary, claiming it’s already illegal for foreign nationals to vote. However, the current system’s reliance on self-attestation and insufficient verification processes make it easy for non-citizens to slip through the cracks. The SAVE Act would fortify election laws by mandating proof of citizenship, ensuring only eligible voters participate in federal elections.

Full Report:

Congressional Democrats are preparing to challenge a crucial piece of legislation designed to ensure election integrity by requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote. President Joe Biden has publicly denounced the bill, vowing to “fight” for “secure elections” while opposing this straightforward measure. The House will vote on this bill on Wednesday.

Why Oppose Election Security?

It’s baffling that anyone advocating for secure elections would oppose a bill that merely enforces existing laws against non-citizen voting. President Biden's lax enforcement of immigration laws has allowed nearly as many illegal immigrants into the country in less than four years as Ellis Island processed legally over 60 years. This bill is essential for safeguarding our elections from the threats exacerbated by the current administration’s policies.

Elon Musk’s Take

Billionaire and X owner Elon Musk suggested that the only reason Democrats would oppose this bill is because “they want to cheat.”

Understanding the 1993 National Voter Registration Act

The 1993 National Voter Registration Act allows driver’s license applicants to register to vote without requiring proof of citizenship. The Safeguarding American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act seeks to amend this by mandating documentary proof of citizenship for voter registration.

Democrats’ Argument Falls Flat

Democrats argue the legislation is unnecessary since it's already illegal for foreign nationals to vote in federal elections. However, the only barrier preventing non-citizens from voting is a checkbox where they attest to their citizenship status. Our elections shouldn’t rely on an honor system.

Problems with Current Law

The 1993 law mandates that agencies like the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services provide voter registration information to everyone applying for benefits, including foreign nationals. This practice has led to foreign nationals receiving voter registration forms, as reported by M.D. Kittle for The Federalist.

The SAVE Act’s Solution

The SAVE Act would prevent potential non-citizens from registering to vote. Yet, Democrats, whom Musk referred to as “traitors,” are vehemently opposing it. House Minority Whip Katherine Clark has urged Democrats to vote against the bill, claiming it would prevent Americans from registering to vote with just their driver’s license and necessitate a passport as the only acceptable standalone ID.

Flawed Assumptions and Risks

Clark’s argument assumes that driver’s licenses are sufficient to prevent ineligible individuals from registering to vote. However, many states issue driver’s licenses to legally present foreigners and illegal aliens. Furthermore, verifying a registrant’s SSN does not confirm citizenship, as foreign nationals can obtain SSNs.

Loopholes and Insecure Documentation

In some states like California, individuals without a driver’s license or SSN can register to vote using insecure documents like gym memberships. Public records from North Carolina reviewed by The Federalist indicate that thousands of additional voters were registered despite lacking SSNs or driver’s license numbers.


The SAVE Act addresses these significant vulnerabilities by requiring documentary proof of citizenship for voter registration. This crucial legislation aims to fortify our election laws and prevent non-citizens from exploiting our electoral system.

Original Story by Brianna Lyman, The Federalist


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