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Biden’s Election-Year Border Enforcement Gambit Yields Lowest Migrant Apprehensions Since Trump’s Departure

Top Points:

  1. Record Low Migrant Apprehensions: In June 2024, Border Patrol agents apprehended just over 82,000 migrants, the lowest number since President Biden took office, despite an executive order aimed at limiting daily encounters to 2,500.

  2. Questionable Enforcement Strategies: The Biden administration's covert agreement with Mexico to enhance immigration enforcement has only temporarily delayed migrants' efforts to reach the U.S. border, without providing a long-term solution to the border crisis.

  3. Controversial Immigration Policies: Over 1.1 million migrants have been granted immigration parole through a Biden administration program lacking Congressional approval, and more than 194,000 "got-aways" have crossed the border undetected so far this year.

Full Report:

President Joe Biden's recent attempt to present a strong stance on border enforcement has resulted in the lowest number of migrant apprehensions since he took office. In June, Border Patrol agents apprehended slightly over 82,000 migrants who illegally crossed the border between ports of entry, marking the smallest monthly total since President Trump's administration.

Back in January 2021, President Biden signed executive orders that effectively dismantled the successful border policies of the Trump era, as reported by Breitbart News. That month, Border Patrol agents apprehended just over 78,000 migrants crossing the southwest border, the lowest figure until the recent drop in June 2024. By February 2021, apprehensions had surged to over 101,000 migrants.

The June 2024 figures reveal that agents apprehended an average of 2,645 migrants per day. Despite a new executive order signed by President Biden on June 4 aiming to cap daily migrant encounters at 2,500, this target remains unmet. The San Diego, Tucson, and El Paso sectors reported the highest numbers, with San Diego leading at over 26,000 apprehensions, followed by Tucson at over 22,000 and El Paso at over 14,500.

This move by the Biden administration appears to be a strategic effort to project an image of strict border enforcement ahead of the upcoming presidential election in November. Notably, in January 2024, migrant apprehensions had plummeted by 50% from the record high of nearly 250,000 in December 2023, with approximately 124,000 apprehensions in January. This significant reduction followed a covert agreement between the Biden administration and the Mexican government to enhance immigration enforcement in Mexico.

Breitbart Texas reached out to members of Congress, including House Speaker Mike Johnson's office, to uncover details about the U.S.-Mexico agreement. However, the specifics of what the U.S. might have conceded in return for Mexico's increased enforcement remain undisclosed.

An official from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) indicated to Breitbart Texas that Mexico's efforts are only a temporary solution. “The migrants are just being delayed from reaching the U.S. border,” the source said. “They are being moved further south, which only postpones their attempts to seek asylum in the U.S.”

Following the undisclosed agreement between Mexico and the U.S., Mexican authorities have been rounding up migrants along their northern border and transporting them back south, according to Breitbart’s Cartel Chronicles.

Additionally, the reported apprehension numbers do not account for over 1.1 million migrants granted immigration parole under a Biden administration program that lacks Congressional authorization or funding. This "CBP One" mobile app and "humanitarian parole" initiative, highlighted by Breitbart's John Binder, brings foreign nationals into the U.S. through a controversial parole pipeline.

The figures also exclude more than 194,000 "got-aways" this year, as reported by Breitbart Texas. These are migrants who cross the border undetected by agents but are observed via cameras or other detection equipment, with no agents available to apprehend them. This estimate underscores the ongoing challenge of securing the border effectively.

By emphasizing these details and presenting the narrative through the lens of strong border enforcement and accountability, this rewrite aims to resonate more deeply with Trump supporters and Conservative Americans.

Original Story by Bob Price and Randy Clark, Breitbart


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